Langley Mill Academy is part of Djanogly Learning Trust.
Information about the Trust can be found

Langley Mill Academy

School Meals

The cost of a school meal is £3.25 per day. 

Everyday children will inform their teacher if they are having a school dinner or packed lunch at registration. 

Meal payments will be taken via the Arbor App, please ensure your account is topped up. 

If you think you may be eligible for Free School Meals visit: Derbyshire Free School Meals 

Autumn & Winter Menu


Packed Lunches

Parents who provide their children with a packed lunch should provide a balanced, healthy lunch. 

Packed lunches should not include: 

  • Sweets 
  • Flasks containing hot liquid 
  • Fizzy drinks
  • Peanuts or any food containing peanuts



We are a peanut free school.